Colonics can offer a vareity of well known benefits, including maintaining regularity, increasing energy, increasing the absorption of vitamins and nutrients, enhancing weight loss and more. At Injectables by Selena, we know that making colonics part of your health regime can depend on having the most comfortable and successful experience possible.
Proper Function of the Colon?
The colon is responsible for removing toxins from all parts of the body, not just digestive waste. When the colon is functioning properly, it is normal and healthy to have a bowel movement shortly after each meal. However, with the typical modern diet of overcooked, processed and refined foods, chronic constipation and digestive problems are on the rise. In addition, many people do not drink enough water, consuming primarily coffee, sodas, and sugar-laden fruit drinks. The caffeine and acids in coffee and sodas can dehydrate the intestines and promote the breakdown of healthy flora in the digestive tract, while the sugar in many of our foods and drinks feeds the unhealthy bacteria and Candida, leading to overgrowth of yeast. Mental and emotional stress, which are so prevalent in our fast-paced society, can also interfere with proper digestion and elimination.
Colonics vs. Enemas?
Clients often wonder if an enema does the same thing as a colonic. An enema flushes out approximately 5-10 inches of the lower portion of the colon. After filling with water or a special solution, the person must rush to the toilet for elimination. With a colon hydrotherapy session, the entire length of the colon (typically 5-5 ½ feet) is gently flushed with water using a closed system where the waste is released through a tube that leads directly to the sewer line. No odor is present and no waste or gas is released outside of the tube.
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
An initial series of 3 or more sessions spaced 3-7 days apart is recommended. Your therapist will discuss your options with you during your first session. After your series, a maintenance plan of one session per month is suggested.
Avoid eating 1 hour prior to your session so as not to overtax the digestive tract.
Avoid drinking any beverages (including water) 1 to 2 hours prior to your session so that you won’t have a full bladder.
Try to avoid carbonated beverages, which can produce gas in the intestinal tract, causing potential discomfort during your session.
Hydrate as much as you can in the days prior to your session. This will improve the functioning of the colon and assist with removal of any impacted waste matter.
Incorporate more plant-based foods in your diet. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and water, both of which are necessary for a healthy colon.
Disclaimer: The preceding is for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or condition, nor should it take the place of medical advice or treatment.