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Vi Chemical


  • Reduce acne scars & blemishes

  • Improve the coloration of skin

  • Reduce hyperpigmentation

  • Reduce melasma

What is a Vi Peel

Vi Peel chemical peel is a virtually painless way to get clear, smooth, more youthful-looking skin with or without additional laser, injectable or dermabrasion treatment. It reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow's feet, evens out skin pigmentation and smoothes skin with acne scars or sun damage. In Colorado Vi chemical peel can be used on all skin types, and it enhances your skin's tone, clarity and texture. Our licensed practitioner applies the Vi Peel solution in our office (no pre-conditioning is required), and the peel remains on your face for seven days. On the third day, your skin begins to peel and continues for a day or two. By the sixth or seventh day, you'll see dramatic results in your skin's appearance.


Vi chemical peel can be used as a safe, less intense alternative to dermabrasion. Dermabrasion revitalizes skin with acne scars or deep wrinkles using surgical scraping with a motorized wire brush or burr with diamond particles. If you have serious scarring or wrinkles, dermabrasion may be used along with Vi Peel to restore your skin to its beautiful, natural state.


Patients with mild to moderate scarring can use Vi Peel without dermabrasion for clearer, smoother skin. A Vi Peel by Selena® treatment will save you money over dermabrasion cost if you need to treat acne scars or other types of facial scarring.


Studies conducted on Vi Peel patients by International Research Services show that 71% of individuals receiving the treatment had "improved skin suppleness" and a decrease in the appearance of fine lines. Crow's feet were substantially reduced. Collagen content in the skin increased, and two weeks after treatment, hemoglobin spiked, indicating more blood flow to treatment areas.


Vi  chemical peel for skin rejuvenation contains all-natural ingredients to clear and renew your skin safely, without burning or side effects.




How does Vi Peel works?

Our practitioner spreads the Vi Peel solution on your skin. Vi Peel then causes a reaction within the skin to make the top layers peel off, letting new tissue grow. By removing damaged surface skin, Vi Peel lets fresh new skin cells take its place, giving your complexion a more glowing, vibrant appearance.


The Vi Peel application helps renew collagen production for faster healing and more youthful looking skin. Each application takes about 30 minutes.




How does Vi Peel is different from other chemicals?

Unlike other chemical peels, Vi Peel has an anesthetic in its solution to reduce discomfort. This eliminates the need for a separate pre or post-treatment anesthetic. Unlike a regular chemical peel Vi Peel addresses deeper layers of your skin yielding better results.


The solution remains on your skin for a week. (Your practitioner will give you instructions on post-application care.) Your skin will start to peel the 3rd day, with final results apparent on the 6th or 7th day.


Does Vi Peel Chemical burn?

No. You'll feel some stinging when it's first applied, but that will pass quickly. Skin numbing occurs after the application of the solution. The practitioner may use a fan in the treatment room to reduce the initial stinging sensation, and the anesthetic in Vi Peel will soothe your skin shortly after treatment begins.


To prevent premature aging of the skin Vi Peel is recommended every three months. Once a month treatment may be necessary for extremely scarred or damaged skin. Our practitioner will help you determine the right course of treatment for your skin type.

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